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Q&A with Ayo Akinwolere, Crisis Ambassador

Ayo Akinwolere, Crisis Ambassador

Today we announced that award winning stars, broadcaster Ayo Akinwolere and actor Imelda Staunton CBE, are to become our newest Ambassadors. We caught up with Ayo to hear more about his support for Crisis over the years, and why he was keen to join us as an Ambassador.

Crisis: What first prompted you to support Crisis?

Ayo: Crisis has been on my radar for many years. I’ve often donated what I could to the charity in the past, so when I was asked a couple of years ago to take part in the Icebreaker challenge - which included swimming in a freezing cold Brockwell Lido to raise awareness and support of Crisis’ work to end homelessness - I jumped at the chance, and the relationship grew from there.

Crisis: Is there a particular experience you’d like to share from your support of Crisis?

Ayo: Taking part in the Crisis Icebreaker is very much at the forefront of my mind. Swimming across an almost frozen swimming pool is nothing in comparison to those who face sleeping on our streets in the winter or having to live in unsafe temporary accommodation.

It put into perspective just how vital the work Crisis does to help people out of homelessness and to leave it behind for good. There’s a lot of work still to be done but I’m grateful to have the opportunity to help raise awareness where I can.   

Crisis: What do you hope to achieve through being a Crisis Ambassador? What are your main aims?

Ayo: I want to help raise awareness of Crisis, the services it provides to help people out of homelessness, and the campaigning they to do end it altogether. The root causes of homelessness are so complex and must be tackled. To be able to highlight Crisis and its work clearly to audiences is so important to ensure those supporting Crisis through donations and campaigning can see the humanity within many of the journeys of people experiencing homelessness. 

Crisis: Why is it so important that Crisis continues its support of people experiencing homelessness, and the work to end homelessness overall?

Ayo: It’s hugely important. Through their policy and campaigning work, Crisis works to influence leaders across the country to implement the changes we need to prevent people from losing their homes in the first place and help people who do end up homeless out of this quickly.

Homelessness is a really complicated and complex situation across Great Britain and as coronavirus restrictions lift, we cannot see the levels of homelessness return to what they were previously. With the right approach, we can really move forward to end it. 

Crisis: What would you like to say to Crisis staff?

Ayo: I’m really looking forward to being part of the Crisis family. I just want to say how incredible a job that those who work for Crisis, at this moment in time, are doing. With your continued efforts we can really move forward with a really modern and holistic approach to help end homelessness for good. 

Crisis: What would you like to say to Crisis supporters?

Ayo: It’s been a ridiculously strange year for so many of us through the pandemic. Many of us are still holding on and we’re so, so grateful for your continued support. Many charities doing incredible work have been hit hard, but thanks to their supporters, are able to continue their amazing work. So, a MASSIVE thank you for all your efforts in fundraising, donating and volunteering too. 

Find out more about our Crisis Ambassadors.

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