Crisis responds to Manchester Evening News story
The Manchester Evening News is reporting that local officials have been told by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) that the ‘Everyone In’ scheme is no longer being funded by central Government.
Jon Sparkes, Chief Executive of Crisis, said: “It’s completely unacceptable that people are being left abandoned on our streets, and that people are at risk of being kicked out of hotels because councils lack the funds for them to stay.
“There is still a deadly virus out there and, while it’s to be commended that over 5,400 people have been given safe, temporary accommodation, the job simply isn’t finished. In London alone, hundreds remain on the streets - no provision has been made for them and it’s a desperate situation with many left hungry, isolated and at risk.
“The initial emergency response to the outbreak showed what can be done when the political will and leadership from central Government is there - but if we retreat into a failed ‘business as usual’, handing the issue back to overstretched local councils with no ring-fenced funding, then we let down not just the thousands experiencing homelessness today, but many thousands more at risk from the economic downturn we are entering.”