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Crisis criticises artist for ‘exploiting’ homeless people

Crisis, the national charity for homeless people, has said it is ‘completely unacceptable’ to ‘exploit’ homeless people by selling off and tracking individuals for publicity.

Danish artist Kristian von Hornsleth is fitting homeless men in London with the “Hornsleth Homeless Tracker” (HHT), turning them into ‘real-life Pokémon Go’, before selling them off to art collectors who can trace them 24/7.

Responding, Jon Sparkes, Chief Executive of Crisis, said: 

“It is completely unacceptable to treat people in this way and we have serious concerns about the potential impact this publicity stunt could have on vulnerable people.

“No matter what point this artist is trying to make, his actions are exploiting real people. These individuals are not toys or entertainment figures, they are human beings, who are already dealing with difficult situations and possibly complex needs. They need support to resolve their homelessness and get on with their lives..

“Homeless people deserve better than this, and we urge people to consider the consequences of irresponsible practises, before indulging in vanity projects such as this.”


