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Homelessness prevention by Linstone Housing Association and Renfrewshire H&SCP

Homelessness prevention by Linstone Housing Association and Renfrewshire H&SCP

Multi-tenure health & housing hub

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The context

In 2020-21, 17% of homeless applicants in Scotland cited a mental health difficulty as a reason for losing housing. 9% listed a substance dependency, and 5% a physical health issue. As applicants can select multiple ‘homelessness reasons’, it is likely there’s some overlap in these statistics, but it appears that well over a fifth of households experience health-related reasons for homelessness. This intersection can lead to some housing staff feeling like quasi-health workers.

But the dynamic also occurs in the opposite direction. GPs often encounter patients whose housing problems negatively impact their health, but which they have neither time nor expertise to resolve. Community Link Workers (CLWs) - generalist social practitioners who work with patients on non-clinical issues – have more time to spend. But they’re not housing experts either: which is where Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (H&SCP)’s collaboration with Linstone Housing Association adds value.

The intervention

The ‘Community Connectors’ project, funded by the H&SCP, began in 2016. It comprises CLWs based in local GP practices and three local agencies with expertise on the challenges most frequently experienced by patients referred. They are Linstone HA, a community based landlord of 1600 homes, which takes on the housing role; Active Communities, which leads on local, often volunteer led, wellbeing activities; and Renfrewshire Association for Mental Health (now We Are With You, from April 2021), focusing on mental health recovery.

GPs can refer patients with health problems related to these areas to a CLW. Where housing is an issue, the CLW links the person in with Linstone’s Health and Housing Hub. Hub staff have an understanding of the whole local housing system, as well as relevant links and networks with landlords, advice and support services. People don’t need to be Linstone HA tenants: they can be from any housing tenure (or none).

The Hub provides information, advice and guidance, explaining individual options, rights and how the housing system works. Advisers can signpost and/or refer into specialist advice or support, such as welfare rights, grants or financial assistance, health assessment or tenancy support. They also offer hands-on help, such as completing applications for local landlords, house moves or transfer schemes, advocating or following up with partners, and coordinating support.

The outcome

CLWs made over 2,200 referrals to Community Connectors in 2019-20. Around 10% were to the Hub, with referrals increasing over time. In the most recent quarter (summer 2021), of 51 referrals received from 16 GP surgeries, 92% engaged with the Hub. The majority of people referred are social or private tenants, or owners. 88% wished to move from their current home, with a third citing antisocial behaviour or neighbour issues; 23% mobility problems; 17% overcrowding; and 15% property condition.

Last quarter, the Hub linked people in with 12 different agencies including mediation, housing support, advice services, social work, advocacy and the noise team, with over 40 applications completed. Through direct support, five people were rehoused into a more suitable home, five awarded health priority, three awarded funding for essential furniture/broadband, and two supported to resolve repair problems.

Key insights

  • many people with health vulnerabilities simply don’t understand the housing system or know where to start – a Hub approach simplifies this complexity for people (and for health professionals)
  • people don’t always have a good relationship with their own landlord (social and private), so being able to access a service through a professional they do trust (their GP) is valuable
  • most people referred have never accessed advice services or tenancy support before, showing the service can reach those not using what’s already available

Find out more…

Community Connectors Housing Hub, Linstone HA
