Your monthly donation can help people find the safe, secure housing they need to unpack for good.
per month could go towards monthly gas or electricity costs for someone setting up their new home or struggling to pay their bills.
per month could give someone experiencing homelessness the support they need from an advisor who will welcome them at a Crisis skylight, listen to their story and provide support.
per month could go towards mugs, pans, cutlery and bedding to help up to 12 people setting up homes of their own.
could help someone set up their home on their journey out of homelessness, helping pay for a bed, fridge, cooker or washing machine, as well as dinnerware, cookware and bedding.
could contribute to a deposit to help someone secure a new place to live.
could contribute to a deposit and first month's rent to help someone secure a new place to live.
“Crisis not only helped me with accommodation. They helped me find my way back to the right place where I really belong.” Eva, former Crisis member
At 63 years old, Eva was made homeless when her husband forced her from their property. Originally from Greece, she had no family to turn to. Although she had settled status in the UK, she needed a new passport to complete the process. Without it, landlords would not engage with her. And when she turned to the local authority for help, they said she was not a priority.
For four months, Eva stayed on a friend’s sofa. But when she had to leave, she was forced to rough sleep for several nights.
“For the three days I lived on the road, I never closed my eyes because I didn’t know what was going to happen.” Eva
Thankfully, Eva spoke to a person working in a Crisis charity shop who advised her to contact the Crisis centre in London. And that’s when your generous support sprang into action.
“Now, after 27 years in the UK, I have my first property. Crisis paid the deposit, one month rent in advance. They bought me a mattress, a bed sheet, pillows.” Eva
A journey out of homelessness can take time. As we all know, finding a home, getting doctors’ appointments, finding new employment and navigating the benefits system isn’t always easy. But your monthly gift will help provide the vital support needed to help people end their homelessness for good.
We are the national charity for people experiencing homelessness. We know that homelessness is not inevitable. We know that together we can end it.
Your donation helps to fund our year-round work with people experiencing homelessness. We offer individual tailored support to help people access benefits, healthcare services, employment opportunities, and more.
Our main aim is to relieve the huge pressure of homelessness, by helping people find safe and affordable homes.
We campaign on the political changes needed to end homelessness for good and conduct research to understand and highlight the scale, causes and consequences of homelessness.
For every £1 we spend on fundraising, we raise £3.14 to fund our charitable services.
We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and promise to be honest, respectful, and accountable in how we treat you.
Where we give example stories about our members, we promise these are genuine experiences, even if their names or photos are changed to respect their privacy.
Although we cannot guarantee your donation will be spent on specific items or services, we can guarantee your donation will be used wherever it is needed most to help our work all year round with people facing homelessness.
Please contact our supporter helpline if you have any questions about making a donation to Crisis. You can also contact us if you would like to change the way we communicate with you.