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A Future without Homelessness - Privacy and Consent

About ‘A Future without Homelessness’ virtual challenge

Crisis works together with virtual events and gaming company Wildgoose Events Ltd to create supporter experiences for the 21st century. 'A Future without Homelessness' is designed to help young people understand more about homelessness through interactive content, including multiple choice questions, photo and video challenges.

The game will be available in three versions for you and your family to choose from (if you have multiple devices, such as smartphones or tablets, you can have different games running on each): 

  • Georgia’s story (for children aged 6 - 11) 
  • Daniel’s story (for children aged 6 – 11) 
  • Young adult edition (ages 12 - 18) 

Content has been carefully selected by Crisis staff to introduce young people to the subject in a thought-provoking and age-appropriate format. For queries concerning the content or format of the game, please get in touch with the event lead at

What kind of content will my family and I create during the challenge?

After downloading the ‘Mobile Adventures’ app (please do so 24 hours in advance of the game) to your Smartphone or tablet and scanning one of the QR codes listed on the event page, the game will load and will ask you to take a ‘Team photo’ and write a ‘Team name’. You are not obliged to take photos of yourself or your family or use your real names.

The challenge is split into 5 different hotspots, each of which contain 3 tasks. These tasks are not mandatory and range from photo and video challenges, where players are asked to record video clips or take photos of themselves completing the task, to multiple choice and free text questions, where players select or write their answer to a quiz question.

You are not obliged to complete any task that you do not feel comfortable doing: however, participating in as many tasks as possible will increase the quality of your experience.

How will Wildgoose Events Ltd use/store my data?

At the end of the challenge (once all hotspots have been accessed and tasks completed) a message will appear asking for your consent for answers, photos and videos that you have created in the game to be shared with Crisis, Wildgoose and the other players through the game slideshow (a compendium of content produced throughout the game which is shared with the Crisis lead via a link and is downloadable).

You are not obliged to give your consent. Consent must be given by a guardian of at least 18 years of age.

Wildgoose Events Ltd Data protection policies are available here and will be supplied to you in full on request. No data is collected by the company at the point of downloading the Mobile Adventures app or loading the game. The company only start collecting data at the point when individuals join a game. At that point the following data is collected: device used, device operating system, starting battery life of the device, which tasks you unlocked during the game and percentage of tasks that you completed correctly. The company process this data to help us develop, test and improve the systems, services and challenges they provide to you.

The only personally identifiable data collected through the app is photos, videos and occasionally names (where participants play individually). Wildgoose retain this personal data for 7 days after the event start data. During this period, your data will be anonymised,  for example by aggregation with other data so that it can be used in a non-identifiable way for statistical analysis and business planning. At the end of this 7-day period, your data will be deleted.

If and when a person objects to Wildgoose holding any of their personal data, their details shall be removed from all relevant systems immediately.

How will Crisis use/store my data?

The slideshow produced at the end of the challenge will feature photos, videos and answers where participants have given their consent for them to be shared. This will be shared with the Crisis event lead (Ella Dinsdale) via a link following the event who will be able to download it. Players can request to see the slideshow by contacting the event lead at Players who have not given consent for their data to be shared will not feature in the slideshow.

Following the event, your Crisis account manager (or the event lead) will get in touch with all participants to ask for their feedback on the game. Where participants have given positive consent, their account manager will consult them on where they may be willing to have their photos, videos or answers shared. These could be channels such as on the Crisis website, emails and social media including FacebookLinkedInTwitterInstagram and Youtube​. Participants who have given positive consent at the end of the game are not obliged to agree to have their content shared on any of these channels.

In addition to playing the game itself, participants are welcome to post photos or videos on Instagram during or following gameplay to share their experience with others. Crisis would like to share a selection of these posts on our own Instagram channel: if you are happy to have your posts featured on the Crisis Instagram channel, please use the hashtag #afuturewithouthomelessness on your post.

For more information on how Crisis uses your data, please take a look at our Privacy booklet.

